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Change Log - Version 3.0.0

Release Date: 30/06/2023


Category Description
New Feature Added Split Playlist
Added a new color category for Pages, enabling the tagging of pages within the same category
Added the capability to export Pages in Playlist as Page
Added a new filter option for Playlists, allowing filtering by Search, Channel, System, or Color.
Added Auto UI for Group Structure with Labels
Added Initialize and Verify Cache for Pages in Playlist context menu
Added Shortcuts for Initialize and Verify Cache in Settings
Added System Icon to Control Layers in Template Manager
Studio can now support UE Custom Build
Implemented automatic selection of the new Show when adding a new Show
Bug Fix Resolved issue causing Table values to reset when reordering.
Bug Fix Resolved issue where duplicating Shows resulted in no visible changes.
Removed auto-install of Erizos Agent in the client installer
Renamed Live Preview to Live Control and moved the Live Preview dropdown to the Preview bar
Improvement Responsive Buttons for Preview bar
Improvement Modified opening and closing animation for the notification window.
Improvement Performance improvements for Playlist window
Save as Page automatically adds the new Page after the currently selected Page

UI Builder

Category Description
New Component Added Dial
New Component Added Joystick
New Component Added Knob
New Component Added Web Page
New Feature Added UI Components
New Feature Added Library
New Feature Added UIBuilder Studio API
Added toggle button to switch between Field/Text in FieldID
Added new Filters for ShowUI and TemplateUI in UI Manager
Added new Tooltips
Added SHIFT+ALT mouse drag for center-based resizing
Added Step to Vertex Control component
Add MediaHub Wrapper API
Change alignment of Vertex Input and Number input to right aligned
Improvement Convert UI Manager List to Virtualize list for performance improvements
Color Picker Hex value is now displayed in lowercase by default
Bug Fix Resolved Broken Properties when using Combo Templates
Bug Fix Resolved Crash when removing FieldID from Vertex
Implemented automatic selection of the new UI when adding a new UI in UI Manager
New Feature Implemented a new drag and drop functionality for assigning ShowUI and TemplateUI.
New Scrollbar color
Properties window in UI Builder is now wider
Improvement Scripting in Studio can now support both Typescript and Javascript
Table support for media (ExternalMediaBrowser)


Category Description
Added a new functionality to manually set the path for custom builds of Unreal Engine
Add URLs for pages
Use ipv4 on socket io connection (as all servers listen only to ipv4 address)


Category Description
Move Save Settings button to the top

Unreal Plugins

Category Description
Expose Control Action built-in Sequence Control/Player
Fix for crash in game mode when serializing UStruct
Performance improvements when saving levels with Control Blueprints