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Get all Profiles

GET /api/profiles

Returns all the Profiles that are currently available in your Erizos Studio environment.


The response is an array of Templates

Get Profile by ID

GET /api/profiles/[ID]

Returns the profile that corresponds to the profile ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile


Profile Object

Update a Profile

PUT /api/profiles/[ID]

Updates the profile.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile

Request Body

    "name": "My Profile",
    "channels": [
            "engines": [
            "name": "Channel Name",
            "type": "PROGRAM"
Parameter Type Description
name String Name of the Profile
channels Array Array of Channels

Delete Profile by ID

DELETE /api/profiles/[ID]

Deletes the profile that corresponds to the profile ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile

Cache Assets per Profile

POST /api/profiles/:profileName/:channelName/:system/cache/assets

Caches the profile that corresponds to the profile ID.


Parameter Type Description
Profile Name ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
channelName String The channel name to perform the operation on
system String The system name to perform the operation on e.g. UE or Vizrt

Request Body

[ "/path/to/Asset1", "/path/to/Asset2" ]

Example Body


Verify Cache Assets per Profile

POST /api/profiles/:profileName/:channelName/:system/cache/assets?verifyCache=true

Verify Caches of the profile that corresponds to the profile ID, this is used to check if there is a newer version of the asset is received.


Parameter Type Description
Profile Name ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
channelName String The channel name to perform the operation on
system String The system name to perform the operation on e.g. UE or Vizrt
verifyCache Boolean Set to True or 1 to check for newer version of the asset

Request Body


Example Body

  "ue://D:\\Unreal Projects\\My Project"

On-Air Actions on a Profile

Take In a saved page

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/in/[PAGE ID]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
PAGE ID Uuid id of the Page

Take In a payload

POST /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/in


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]

Request Body

  "name": "My Payload name",
  "template": "5f451cf2e535de41e8ac9116",
  "fields": [
      "id": "controlText",
      "fields": [
          "id": "02",
          "fields": [
              "id": "text",
              "value": "Hello everyone"

Take Out a saved page

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/out/[PAGE ID]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
PAGE ID Uuid id of the Page

Take out a payload

POST /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/out


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]

Request Body

  "name": "My Payload name",
  "template": "5f451cf2e535de41e8ac9116",
  "fields": [
      "id": "controlText"

Update a saved page

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/update/[PAGE ID]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
PAGE ID Uuid id of the Page

Update a payload

POST /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/update


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]

Request Body

  "name": "My Payload name",
  "template": "5f451cf2e535de41e8ac9116",
  "fields": [
      "id": "controlText"

Initialize Playlist on Profile

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/initialize/[PLAYLIST ID]

Initializes all pages in the playlist provided on the outputs of the profile provided


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
PLAYLIST ID Uuid id of the Playlist to initialize

Cleanup channel in Profile

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/cleanup

Performs the cleanup operation on each system.

In the current version of the API, cleanup operations are only available on the program or preview channels


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]

Clear channel in Profile

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/clear

Performs the clear operation on each system.

In the current version of the API, clear operations are only available on the program or preview channels


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]

Take In page by Show and page num

This command will take the page in for a specific show and page number.



Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
SHOW ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show
PLAYLIST ID ID Uuid or the name of the Playlist
PAGE NUM String 4 digit page Num

Take In page by page num

This command will take in a page by page number.

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/in/[PLAYLIST ID]/[PAGE NUM]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
PLAYLIST ID ID Uuid or the name of the Playlist
PAGE NUM String 4 digit page Num

Take Out page by Show and page num

This command will take out the page for a specific show and page number.

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/out/[SHOW ID]/[PLAYLIST ID]/[PAGE NUM]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
SHOW ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show
PLAYLIST ID ID Uuid or the name of the Playlist
PAGE NUM String 4 digit page Num

Take Out page by page num

This command will take out a page by page number.

GET /api/profiles/[PROFILE ID]/[CHANNEL]/take/out/[PLAYLIST ID]/[PAGE NUM]


Parameter Type Description
PROFILE ID ID Uuid or the name of the Profile
CHANNEL String The channel name to perform the operation on or the default ChannelType wrapped in square brackets e.g. [PROGRAM]
PLAYLIST ID ID Uuid or the name of the Playlist
PAGE NUM String 4 digit page Num