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Get All Shows

GET /api/shows

Returns all the Shows that are currently available in your Erizos Studio environment.

Get Show by ID

GET /api/shows/[ID]

Returns the show that corresponds to the show ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show


Show Object

Create Show

POST /api/shows

Creates a new Show and a playlist for the show.

Request Body

    "name": "My Show",

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the show

Response Body

    "_id": "5e1b51d0c6e1457e208d119b",
    "name": "My Show",
    "createdAt": "2020-01-12T17:05:20.616Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-01-12T17:05:20.616Z",

Parameter Value Description
_id Uuid The id of the show
name String The name of the show
createdAt Date Date and time the show was created
updatedAt Date Date and time the show was last updated

Rename Show

PUT /api/shows/[ID]

Updates the Show Name


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show

Request Body

  "name": [SHOW NAME]


The updated Show object.

Delete Show by ID

DELETE /api/shows/[ID]

Deletes the show that corresponds to the show ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show

Get Playlists of Show

GET /api/shows/[ID]/playlists

Returns the Playlists for the show that corresponds to the show ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show


The response is an array of Playlists.

Get Templates of Show

GET /api/shows/[ID]/templates

Returns the Templates for the show that corresponds to the show ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show


The response is an array of Templates

Get Pages of Show

GET /api/shows/[ID]/pages

Returns the Pages for the show that corresponds to the show ID.


Parameter Type Description
ID ID Uuid or the name of the Show


The response is an array of Pages