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Control Components

Control Actor

Control (Control Actor) is an attachable component to any actor that lets Erizos Studio modify the visibility and transformation values in real-time.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Control Visibility Boolean Exposes the visibility control of the Actor so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position X Boolean Exposes the X-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position Y Boolean Exposes the Y-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position Z Boolean Exposes the Z-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Position Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Position of the controlled actor
Position Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Position of the controlled actor
Control Rotation Roll Boolean Exposes the Roll rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Rotation Pitch Boolean Exposes the Pitch rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Rotation Yaw Boolean Exposes the Yaw rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Rotation Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Rotation of the controlled actor
Rotation Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Rotation of the controlled actor
Control Scale X Boolean Exposes the X-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Scale Y Boolean Exposes the Y-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Scale Z Boolean Exposes the Z-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Scale Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Scale of the controlled actor
Scale Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Scale of the controlled actor
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio
Event Description
On Visibility Changed Executes when the Visibility of the Actor Changes
On Position Changed Executes when the Position of the Actor Changes
On Rotation Changed Executes when the Rotation of the Actor Changes
On Scale Changed Executes when the Scale of the Actor Changes
OnLayerIn Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is In.
OnLayerChanged Executes when new data is sent from Erizos Studio while the state of the Layer is In.
OnLayerOut Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is Out.
OnLayerJumpIn Executes when the animation jumps into a specific frame, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when previewing layers.
OnLayerJumpOut Executes when the animation jumps from a preview layer into another layer, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when jumping from one preview layer to another layer.