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Control Components

Control Layer

The Control Layer component can be used to group unique individual Control Components into layers. Each layer is represented as a template in Erizos Studio. It can be attached to any Actor but it is usually best practice to add it to an empty actor to keep your world outliner organized.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the Template that appears in Erizos Studio
Group Number Assigns a Layer into a Group which prevents overlap from using two Control Layers at the same time. E.g: When you need to use two graphics in the same place, using a group can animate out the previous graphic and animate in the new graphic without overlapping.
In Sequence Level Sequence The animation to be played when layer is taken”in.Required.If the animation is not set, it will always be visible.
Out Sequence Level Sequence The animation to be played when the layer is taken “out”.Optional. If the animation is not set, the In Sequence animation will be played reverse to animate the layer out.
Change Sequence Level Sequence The animation to be played when new data is sent. It can only be triggered when the state is In. Optional. If not set, the change of data is immediate with no animation.
Custom in Frame Boolean
Preview Camera Camera Actor Selects the Camera which the layer will use in the preview.
Always Trigger Change Boolean By default, the OnLayerChanged event will be called when data is changed. Turning this on will override the default and force it always to trigger the OnLayerChanged event.
Keep Layer State Boolean By default, the control plugin keeps a record of the state of the layer. By turning this off, it will always trigger the Event sent.
Widget Widget Selects the Widget to be displayed by the layer.