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Control Components


The Control Number component can be attached to a Text 3D actor to allow the number value to be exposed to and controlled by Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Minimum Number Sets the minimum range of value allowed in the number input
Maximum Number Sets the maximum range of value allowed in the number input
Thousand Separator Dropdown/Selectbox Sets the thousand separator formatting of the number to be displayed
Plus Prefix String Sets the Prefix if a number is Positive
Minus Prefix String Sets the Prefix if a number is Negative
Suffix String Sets the Suffix of the number input
Decimal Separator Dropdown/Selectbox Sets the decimal separator formatting of the number to be displayed
Decimal Places Number Sets the number of decimal places to be displayed
Layer ID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio