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Reimport Template

Reimport page

When exposing new properties in the scene or changing the structure of a scene you will need to "refresh" the template in Studio for the changes to take place in Studio as well. This process is called reimport.

Reimporting is a very simple and straightforward process: you simply need to right click on the page you want to update and choose "Reimport"


If you remove an exposed property in the scene, when you reimport the template, the property that was removed will no longer be available, even in pages that were created before the change.

re-import template

Reimport template

Re-import can also be done in the template manager, doing so will re-import the entire template. You should use Re-import from the template manager when layers are added to or deleted from an unreal scene.

to re-import via the template manager:

  1. open the Template Manager.
  2. right click on the Template you want to update.
  3. click on Reimport.


when adding new Layers to a scene in Unreal you should reimport the scene via the Template Manager.

re-import template