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Shows Manager

Importing a Show

In the Show Manager you are able to export and import shows. This feature is useful when you want to move content between different Erizos Studio Installations.

To import a Show click on the "import show" icon , a new panel will appear on the left of the Show Manager labeled “Show import”:

  1. Click on “Browse” to select a Show file (.ezshow format).
  2. The Toggle buttons allow you to control the import process and what parts of the Show to import:
    1. Overwrite selected show: When importing a Show with a similar name to an existing show you can delete the existing show as part of the import process.
      Use the overwrite option if you are importing a full show as a working piece. Otherwise, you can use the import function to import some parts of a show into an existing show (e.g. add a UI into an existing show).
    2. Data: Select whether to import the playlists, templates, and pages for that show. This is the main content of a show and will be imported as default.
    3. User interface: Select whether to import the UI attached to the imported Show. UI will be imported as default.
    4. Graphic content : Select whether to import the Graphic assets that the show contains. Graphic content will be imported as default
  3. Click on import.

create show