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UI Component structure and hierarchy

Numerical Input control class

Parent class: Input Control


Property Type Description
min Int / float Setting minimal value for the input
Max Int / float Set maximal value for the input
step Int / float Set the how large the difference between adjacent values.

Member Procedures

Event Description
onFocus Focused element is the element that is set to be the active element in the current document. For example, when clicking on a text field to fill it the text field gets focus. onFocus is triggered when the element gets focus.
onBlur Blur = losing focus, onBlur is triggered when the element is losing focus.
onKeyDown Event that occurs when a user is pressing a key on the keyboard. (includes holding the key)
onKeyPress Event that occurs when a user is pressing a key on the keyboard. It is triggered once when the key is pressed
onKeyUp Event that occurs when a user is releasing a key on the keyboard.
onCopy Event that occurs when the user copies content.
onCut Event that occurs when the user cuts content.
onPaste Event that occurs when the user pastes content.