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Erizos Studio

Welcome to Erizos Studio documentation Section.

Please choose the section of the documentation you wish to view, either from the menu above, or the list below.

User Guide

The User Guide section will show you how to use and configure the Erizos Studio control application, and accompanying components.

Video Library

The video library is our attempt to give you the best exprience learning and using our products, there you can access video guides about our products and there usage.

UI Builder

The UI Builder section described how to use UI Builder, and a detailed description of the availble components. Please refer to this documentation when using the scripting function of UI Builder for more information about the properties and functions of the individual components.

Studio API

The Studio API section describes in detail, the REST API that you can use to control Erizos Studio from Third Party Services.

MediaHub API

The MediaHub API section describes in detail, the REST API that you can use to integrate MediaHub into your existing workflows.

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